Running Scenarios in Footloose

The ability to run scenarios is a unique feature of footloose. Scenarios can be used for a number of purposes including:

  • Estimating how long it will take to clear the current backlog
  • Estimating when a particular backlog item will be completed
  • Understanding the impact of blockers on delivery and developing tactics to mitigate blockers.

Each scenario consists a list of backlog items by team, with expected start and end dates.  In this respect, it has the appearance of a project plan, but differs in that the dates provided aren’t commitments in the sense of a traditional project plan.

Currently, scenarios can only be generated via the footloose web version.  It is possible to view the “primary” scenario using the Forecast feature in the iPhone app.

To generate a scenario:

  1. Select the “Scenarios” tab from the top menu in footloose web client
  2. Select the “Add Scenario” 
  3. Enter the scenario name and press “Add Scenario”; you will be returned to the list of current scenarios; at this time the new scenario is empty
  4. Click the “Assign Scenario” link by the new scenario in the list
  5. The next page lists all “Not Started” backlog items, along with the associated teams, if known
  6. Use the form to assign teams (existing team assignments can be changed), and set an order with earlier tasks having a lower number
  7. Select “Submit Assignments” to commit the assignments
  8. The next page provides a confirmation page with the provided assignments and team allocations
  9. Select “Schedule This Scenario” to run the forecast
  10. The forecast is generated as a list of backlog items with team assignments, start and end dates
  11. Use the top menu to return to the “Scenarios” tab
  12. If desired, you can compare the new scenario against an existing scenario using the “Compare Two Scenarios” link
  13. In order for a scenario to appear on the iPhone forecast and the Dashboard page, it must be chosen as the “Primary” scenario using the “Select Primary Scenario” link.

Hint: if benefits have been assigned to backlog items, these will generate a “Priority Score” for use when assigning the order of backlog items (see Assigning Benefits for more information).

Hint 2: the duration of backlog items is derived from backlog item story points or t-shirt size, in combination with the associated metrics for the assigned team.  Paying attention to the accuracy of team metrics and estimation will improve the quality of the forecast.

Hint 3: in the community edition, a generic organization holiday calendar is used to calculate working days; in the premium edition, it is possible to customize the holiday calendar.

Hint 4: in footloose web, the primary scenario drives the order of backlog items in the backlog list.

Assigning Benefits in Footloose