Assigning Benefits in Footloose

Lean Agile places a strong emphasis on delivery of tangible business benefits as quickly as possible, while being deliberately unspecific about what benefits to focus on.  This is a significant break from traditional cost-benefit analysis, which is purely financially based.  The flexibility of Lean Agile benefits management is well-suited to Digital business, where there is usually an emphasis on maximizing network effects before the business pivots to maximize profits.

Footloose supports a flexible benefits model, which is used to provide a suggested priority for backlog delivery in the scenario module.  Benefits setting is currently only available in the web version of footloose.

To set benefits:

  1. Access the benefits tab by selecting “Benefits” from the top menu 
  2. A list of existing benefit measures is provided; use the “Add Benefit” link to add benefits
  3. Fill in the benefit measure form and press the “Add Benefit” button
  4. Repeat for any other benefit measures that your organization considers important
  5. Use the “Set Benefit Weights” link to set the relative importance of the benefits – the amounts are in percentage, and should add up to 100
  6. Use the “Assign Benefits to Cards” link to specify benefit amounts by backlog item; the amounts should be within the ranges defined when setting up the benefit
  7. Navigate to Scenario->Assign Scenario to confirm that benefit values have been derived.